Google Announces Layoffs at its Mapping App Waze

Google Drops the Axe on Waze Staff Amidst Bold Advertising System Overhaul

Big changes are in the works over at Google as the tech giant wields its power over mapping app Waze. Brace yourselves, folks, because layoffs are on the horizon.

Google, which snagged Waze back in 2013 for a cool $1.3 billion, revealed plans to merge the app’s ad system with the ingenious technology of Google Ads.

The number of employees who will be affected remains shrouded in mystery.

In its quest for a smoother, more seamless experience for Waze advertisers, Google has decided to shift gears and migrate Waze’s current advertising system to cutting-edge Google Ads technology.

This means that some roles in the realm of Waze Ads monetization will be feeling the pinch, unfortunately.

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December of last year marked the initial announcement from Google, revealing its intentions to unite the forces of Waze and Google Maps.

The master plan? Streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and solidify Waze’s place within the Google Geo division.

This dynamic division boasts an impressive portfolio of real-world mapping marvels, including the iconic Google Maps, the awe-inspiring Google Earth, and the captivating Street View.

CNBC got the scoop first, reporting earlier today on an email from none other than Chris Phillips, the head honcho leading the Geo division.

According to Phillips, Google is all set to spill the beans to its loyal advertisers and trusted partners come Wednesday, disclosing the juicy details of this thrilling move.

So, ladies and gents, buckle up and brace yourselves for the winds of change blowing through Waze.

It seems Google is determined to reshape the landscape, ushering in a new era of advertising synergy that will leave us all captivated and curious to see what lies ahead.

A Techie who formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, and Digital Marketing. Founder of

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